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What happens when you arrive?

Before attending an appointment, please read through this information carefully. Familiarising yourself with the advice will reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission and ensure your visit goes as smoothly as possible.

We are a COVID Secure site. We would like to reassure our patients that we are following all government guidelines and taking full precautions to protect all of our patients and staff. If you need to book an appointment with us, please be assured that we are complaint and you are safe.

Before the appointment

We are pleased to announce that you can now fill in your forms online, prior to your appointment. We hope this will give you the peace of mind that all unnecessary points of contact throughout your visit have been removed. To fill out your forms, please follow the link in your reminder email to fill out your forms.

To get to most out of your appointment, please bring:

When attending the appointment

Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment to allow us time to prepare the room.

If you wish to wear a face mask, please bring one with you. If you are extremely clinically vulnerable, please contact the practice prior to your appointment.

We ask that you attend your appointment alone unless a parent or carer needs to be present, or one child with parent/guardian per appointment. If you have any queries, please call the practice on 01924 493181.

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms including: a new continuous cough, temperature, fever, or any loss of taste or smell, or if you have been on a flight in the past 10 days, please notify us ASAP to re-schedule your appointment.

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